Ultra High Precision Thermal Expansion Measurement System by Laser Interferometer

Inquiries about this product

超高精度レーザ熱膨張計 SuperLIXイメージ

Inquiries about this product

The world of expansion with accuracy of 1×10-8/K or less

Thermal expansion measurement with the world-class ultra high accuracy *as a commercial measurement system

Application case

  • Development of zero-expansion materials
  • Development of negative thermal expansion material and anode materials
  • Development of standard materials
  • Development of materials for actuator


  • High-precision dilatometry of materials with extremely low expansion rate such as 10-8/K (glasses, ceramics, metal, etc.)
    ・ Spare parts of lithography system for semiconductor production
    ・ Spare parts of precision stage
    ・ Materials requiring high accuracy such as for aerospace industries
    ・ Materials for highly precise photogram substrate
  • Quality control of low expansion materials


  • By incorporating a elimination mechanism within the system, the impact of the vibration disturbance can be prevented, and the typical analytical electronic balance (resolution 0.01 mg) can be used in a stable environment. (patent application: 2016-058190, 058191, and 058192)
  • Measure the displacement of a sample based on the laser wavelength (632.8nm). Stray light can be eliminated by integrating optical elements, improving the signal-to-noise ratio of fringe signals. No measurement or operation is required for special displacement calibration.
  • The interference fringes are detected by the image sensor and imageprocessed to calculate the displacement (expansion/contraction) at a high resolution (1nm) even during sample measurement. And the expansion rate can be checked.


Model SuperLIX-R
Temperature range Standard type 5~50℃ (highly accurate water circulation system used)
Sample size φ5 or □5±0.5 x L12~20(mm)
(standard sample sizeφ5xL20(mm), end-face finishing with R-shape)
Atmosphere Reduced pressure He atmosphere
Measurement method Dual path Michelson laser interferometry


Space requirement Approx. W1200 xD760 x H1600(mm)
*2500mm(H) or more space is required for removing a chamber.
Power PC(monitor, desktop): AC100V 15A(plug and earth cable included), two locations
Exhaust system: AC200V three phase 15A one location
Gas feeding system: AC100V single phase 15A one location
Water circulation system: AC100V 15A(plug and earth cable included) one location
Grounding D type (ground resistance 100Ω or below) one location

Measurement Example

Measurement of low expansion ceramics
Measurement of metal(super-invar)

Patents and standards

Compliant with JIS R3251-1990
Special Features 2016-058190, 058191, and 058192

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