Recruit Information

※We are no longer accepting applications for applicants scheduled to graduate in March 2019.
※We are not currently accepting mid-career applicants.

Recruited job types Sales
Number of applications to recruit A few people
Application requirements An applicant expected to graduate a two-year college or university
Starting salary [Two-year college graduate/20 years old] 189,050 yen
[University graduate/22 years old]  210,610 yen
[Graduate school graduate/24 years old] 222,950 yen
Allowances Meal allowance, commuting allowance, family allowance, housing allowance, sales allowance
(Paid according to company provisions)
Salary increase Once a year (April)
Bonus Twice a year (June, December)
Benefits In-house loan system, employee saving system, employee stock holding system, complete social insurance
Application package Resume (with photo), academic transcript, graduation letter, health certificate
Inquiries General Affairs Management Department (Tel: +81-45-931-2221)
* All inquiries are welcome
 Recruitment schedule  
Sending your application First phone (Tel: +81-45-931-2221) and then send your application to our Yokohama headquarters
Application package address General Affairs Management Department
Ikonobe-cho 4388, tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0053 JAPAN
Selection process After an application screening, we will contact the applicant
Interview (1st stage, 2nd stage), aptitude test