Nanoparticle deposition Product list
By using the Pulse Arc Plasma Discharge (APD) method, it is possible to form metal nanoparticles on substrates or powders in a vacuum (dry process). Effects not obtainable by other deposition methods can be expected up to nano-order film thickness control, particle size control of nanoparticles, and alloying of nanoparticles by deposition of multiple elements (up to six elements possible). There are numerous applications, including enhancing the activity of various catalysts, metal coatings, and the precise synthesis of nanoparticles.
Simultaneous deposition of different “targets” By adding this source to APD series or your vacuum chamber, different “targets” can be deposited simultaneously and materials with new characters can be produced.
New nanoparticle deposition system using pulse vacuum arc discharge Pulse vacuum arc deposition is a unique technique to deposit ultrathin films and nanoparticles by generating metal ions in a simple process. This system can achieve high in terms of film flatness and particle fineness, which is impossible with other systems.