Saturation vapour pressure Product list
“Organic materials used in EL displays for organic materials and low-dielectric interlayer insulating films for semiconductors are highly hygroscopic. Therefore, it is desirable to evaluate these materials in environments where moisture is not easily contained. Our system employs a pressure control method (option) that enables stable measurement even in vacuum, enabling evaluation of the evaporation rate of materials, weight loss, etc.
From the obtained data, it is possible to calculate the appropriate temperature during sublimation refining, to R&D organic EL materials, and to evaluate the saturated vapor pressure of various materials. It is also an optimal measurement method for measuring saturated vapor pressure of oils and fluorinated materials in recent years.”
Stable changes in weight in a high vacuum This system evaluates saturated vapor pressure and the thermal behavior of organic materials. An exhaust method is employed that allows stable measurements even in a vacuum. Achieves precise temperature controllability and responsiveness with the Infrared Gold Image Furnace