Thermoelectric materials and Peltier elements Product list
We follow with one-stop to the amount of power generated and the conversion efficiency of modules from basic research on thermoelectric materials, which are energy conversion materials for heat and electricity, . From bulk to thin flim as the shape of sample, we can provide the measurement methods to meet the needs of cutting-edge materials, such as magnetic materials and conductive polymers. For thermoelectric module evaluation system, it is available to follow from small modules of PN 1 pairs to large-size modules. In addition to thermoelectric materials, it is available to follow Peltier elements evaluation system.
Helping process development From solar cells to compound semiconductors. Combining an Infrared Gold Image Furnace and temperature controller, the QHC/VHC series is a compact high speed heating/ cooling system equipped with a quartz heat treatment chamber. The system is customizable to your needs.
Heating up to 1800°C in just 1 min. For ultra-high temperature vacuum heat treatment MIRO series is a compact spot focused Gold Image Furnace which enables to heat up to 1800°C with extremely high reflection efficiency in combination with single or double type chambers.
Rapid heating and quenching of materials This system is capable of water quench after heating. The maximum temperature is 1800°C under various atmospheres.
Heating a small piece of sample up to 1800°C just in 10 seconds. HT-RTA59HD is a desktop-type lamp annealing system which enables a small piece of sample to heat up to 1800°C (Ultrahigh temperature zone) just in 10 seconds with high reflection efficiency by spot focused heating.
Simultaneous deposition of different “targets” By adding this source to APD series or your vacuum chamber, different “targets” can be deposited simultaneously and materials with new characters can be produced.
New nanoparticle deposition system using pulse vacuum arc discharge Pulse vacuum arc deposition is a unique technique to deposit ultrathin films and nanoparticles by generating metal ions in a simple process. This system can achieve high in terms of film flatness and particle fineness, which is impossible with other systems.