thermal desorption analysis
The cold wall structure allows gas analysis to be done under the environment with high temperature and little gas emission.
gas analysis
gas desorption
temperature range | atmosphere | sample size, shape |
room temperature〜1000℃ | vacuum | max. square 20mm x thickness 2㎜ *Consult us about thickness. |
suitable for this measurement: Temperature-Programmed Desorption Gas Analyzer TDS-M202R
gas transmission rate
temperature range | atmosphere | sample size, shape |
40℃〜1000℃ *up to the durable temperature of a sample |
water vapor oxygen nitrogen *Consult us about other types of gas. |
water vaport :〜10-6g/m3/day oxygen, nitrogen :〜10-2cc/m3/day |
suitable for this measurement:Gas Transmission Rate Measurement System GTms-1 series