Twin-path Surface Force Apparatus

Inquiries about this product


Inquiries about this product

Direct measurement of surface properties and interactions
Unique system that can also handle opaque samples

This system, coming from the existing Resonance Shear Measurement System [RSM-1] without the function to measure the resonance shear, focuses on the functions to measure the surface force.
This system can measure the distance dependence of interactions and adsorption forcse produced between two surfaces.
With the twin-path method (two-beam interferometry technique), measurement of opaque materials is also available and with the focused heating system (option), the sample temperature can be changed from room temperature up to 100℃.
The function to measure the resonance shear can be added on later.
*This system is a co-development by prof.Kurihara laboratory of Tohoku University.


Surface force measurement:
Evaluation of electric double layer repulsion, surface potential, adsorption force, absorption characteristics, intermolecular interaction
Usage examples
Interactions related with dispersion and condensation of colloid particles
Interactions between biological molecules
Absorption state, extensity and hardness of polymer molecules etc.


With the twin-path method (two-beam interferometry technique), it can measure opaque samples.
It can also measure with the method of fringes of equal chromatic order (FECO).
With the control/measurement software based on the twin-path method installed as standard, distance change can be measured with easy operations.
Software is installed as standard that can analyze the data of the distance measurement taken by the twin-path method and draw a carve of force vs distance.
(Measured data can be availavle on a spreadsheet software.)
With the focused heating system (option), the sample temperature can be changed from room temperature up to 100℃.


Temperature range

Room temperature
Room temperature - 100℃*¹
*¹with use of the focused heating system(option)

Sample size 20μL or more
Control resolution of surface distance 0.01nm or less/pulse
Measuring resolution of surface distance Twin-path 0.2nm or less*²
*²dependent on environment
FECO 0.1nm or less
Power requirements AC 100V 15A (not including PC)

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