Analysis of thermal conductivity・thermal diffusivity

Accurate measurement of each sample and measurement direction is available with meeting various needs in sample size from bulk to 20nm-thin film.

Quick reference matrix

Measurement temperature

Thermal conductivity of various materials

laser flash method

measure thermal diffusivity of a sample from temperature response on the backside of the sample after laser-pulse-heating the front side of the sample.

thermal conductivity

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature air
inert gas
φ10mm~square 7㎜
thickness 1㎜~3㎜
*Consult us about thickness.
50℃~1000℃ vacuum
innert gas

thermal diffusivity

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature air
inert gas
φ10mm~square 7㎜
thickness 1㎜~3㎜
*Consult us about thickness.
50℃~1200℃ vacuum
innert gas
powder sample

two dimensions method (thermal diffusivity)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature air square 25~30㎜
length 0.1~1㎜
*Consult us about thickness.

multi-layer analysis (thermal diffusivity)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
2 layers or 3 layers

suitable for this measurement : Laser Flash Method Thermal Constant Measurement System TC-1200RH

Xe flash method

Xe flash method is used to measure thermal diffusivity of a sample from temperture rise on the backside of the sample after xenon-pulse-heating the front side of the sample.

thermal diffusivity

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature air
inert gas
φ10、20mm、square 10㎜
thickness 0.1~2㎜
*Consult us about shape.
50℃~300℃ in inert gas

multi-layer analysis (thermal diffusivity)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
2 layers or 3 layers

suitable for this measurement:Thermal diffusivity Measurement System by Xe flash method TD-1 series

scanning laser heating AC method

Scanning laser heating AC method / Apply a band of laser to the surface of a thin film sample periodically and then evaluate the thermal diffusivity of the sample in-plane direction.

thermal diffusivity (in-plane direction)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature vacuum
self-standing thin sheet
W2.5~4mm x L30mm
thickness 10 ~300μm
air self-standing thin sheet
W2.5~4mm x L30mm
thickness 10 ~50μm”

Calculation result of thermal conductivity (with the known data of specific heat and density)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature vacuum not self-standing thin film
* glass substrate will be provided.

suitable for this measurement:AC Method Thermal Diffusivity Measurement System LaserPIT

periodic heating method

Apply periodic heating to a sample and then evaluate the thermal diffusivity of the sample from the temperature behaviour caused by periodic temperature change.

thermal diffusivity(in the thickness direction)

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
room temperature vacuum width10mm x length 10mm or more
thickness 10~300μm
* Consult us about shape and thickness.

suitable for this measurement:Periodical Heating Method Thermal Diffusivity Measurement System FTC series

steady method

keep steady temperature gradient on a sample by applying higher temperature at one end of the sample and lower temperature at the other end and then calculate thermal conductivity after measuring the temperature.

thermal conductivity

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
50℃〜280℃ air self-standing thin film
square 25mm
thickness 2~8mm
50℃〜200℃ film
square 25mm thickness 100~1000μm

suitable for this measurement:Steady Method Thermal Conductivity Measurement System GH-1 series

2 omega method

By detecting thermal amplitude with thermo-reflectance method, thermal conductivity of an insulating film on the substrate can be measured in thickness direction.

thermal conductivity

temperature range atmosphere sample size, shape
26℃ vacuum width10mm x length 20mm
thickness 20~1000nm
substrate thickness 0.5~1㎜
* Consult us about material and thickness.

suitable for this measurement:2-Omega Method Nano Thin Film Thermal Conductivity Meter TCN-2ω